Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Sister, My Friend

Today is my baby sister's 21st birthday!!! I can't believe it! I wish I were there to celebrate with her, but it's not possible this year. She's an amazing sister, and not only that but she's one of my very best friends! Ever since I can remember, she was my little buddy! When she was born my parents lived in California and were training to become owners of a grocery store. They both worked, and I can remember having to help a lot with my brothers and sister. My mom says I was her second mother. I have always felt the need to watch out for her and protect her, and I have come to realize that I can't just turn that side of me off=) I still feel that way. Even though we're 6 years apart in age, we were always really close friends. Of course we had our fights, and she would steal my clothes, and do the things that little sisters do but I feel like we were always close. Before I left on my mission my parents had moved into the home they live in now but the basement wasn't finished so there were only 3 bedrooms including the master. My brother and I went to live with my grandma for a few months until we left on our missions and Tiffany and Dallin lived with mom and dad. Joseph left on his mission before me, and it was really hard for me to be at my grandma's without him for some reason. So, I would pack up a big bag of all my junk to get ready, and take some clothes and head to my parent's house. I would share a room with my sister, and I think we became even closer. Sometimes she would hear me walking down the hall with my "big bag" (as she called it) and she would tell me to take my big bag and head to grandmas.(jokingly) Growing so close before I left didn't make it any easier to leave on my mission though=)

As a teenager I remember that I could persuade her to hang out with me if none of my friends could hang out. I'd want to go shopping and she wouldn't want to go but if I told her I would buy her a new shirt or something she was totally on board=) I didn't mind, because I liked having her there with me. After my mission our rooms were in the basement next to each other and sometimes at night she would want to talk. I'd be tired and already in bed and before I knew it I could hear my door opening, and Tiff trying to quietly crawl across the floor and over to the other side of my bed. She would try to sneak up in my bed with me and she would just crack up when I asked her what in the heck she thought she was doing!=) There were nights where I can remember us laughing so hard that we were crying! She has always had an amazing sense of humor and has always kept me laughing. Our family always planted a pretty big garden and I can remember being out there with her picking weeds. I'd be on one side and she'd be on the other. Next thing I knew I was hit in the back of the head with a green tomato! Of course she was on the other side cracking up, and it started a tomato war=)

She was my little guinea pig when I went to beauty school. I would drag her into my school to practice on her. I remember having this idea in my head one day at home where I wanted to put all her hair in little twisted buns. I had seen it in a music video or something. Well, I did it! I finished just in time for her to go to piano and she hated it! She was crying to my mom that she had to look like an idiot in front of her piano teacher. I think she wore a hoody to hide it, until her teacher asked her why she had a hood on inside=) Ha ha ha! I put her through a lot with her hair throughout the years, and I can't thank her enough for always putting up with me.
I can remember sitting at the piano with her for hours and playing and singing together. She was the more talented one and always amazed me! I could listen to her play for hours. We both enjoyed music and I remember when I bought her her first concert ticket, she was ecstatic! We've been to several concerts together since then and she always makes it so much fun! She is a very talented woman! She took up cake decorating recently and I can't even believe some of the amazing cakes she can make!

Tiffany has always been a good example to me and the rest of our family. She had a strong testimony as a teenager and I can remember countless times walking past her room and seeing her reading her scriptures or kneeling in prayer. She stood by me through my personal struggles and made me want to be better because I saw how happy she was. She has always been a very loving person. I watched her with my dad's Aunt, Vivian, as she neared the end of her life. She was so patient and loving and took time to visit her in the nursing home. I watched her as my grandma grew older and more weak, and Tiffany would go and spend time with her, and help her with whatever she needed. I know that my grandma loved and appreciated her so much! She has always taken care of those in need. She served in a stake calling as a teenager, working with a special needs group, and I know that she made a difference in those kid's lives. I also know how much she loves her family and would do anything for anyone in need. Joe and I loved having her here in Texas with us for a visit this past year, and in July when we went to Utah she took the entire week off to spend time with us. She was there with us for almost everything we did, and that really meant a lot to us. She is one of the most amazing people I know, and I'm so glad she's my sister.

I have SOOOOO many memories with Tiffany and I will always cherish them. It has been extremely hard being away from her. She's always the hardest one to say goodbye to. I'm so thankful that 21 years ago today, I was blessed with a new baby sister and a best friend for eternity! Tiff, you are an amazing sister and I love you! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!


  1. I got my box of tissues before I even started reading this!! I'm learning :)

  2. I can't beat that! ;) ha ha! What a tear jerker! I love you so much Dillan! We have had a lot of fun memories together! Ha ha! I always loved sneaking into your room! I love you Dillan! You are my best friend!

  3. I just read this to mom and she can't stop crying. :) You both are very special sisters to each other, you make us proud!
