Thursday, April 29, 2010

Adorable Girls

I just wanted to share some pictures of the little girls that I started watching on Wednesdays. Yesterday was my third week watching them and I just grow to love them more and more every time! I will try and get some pictures of the other kids I nanny for on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it's just a lot more hectic and hard to get everyone together after school sometimes with all they have going. Being a nanny has really opened my eyes to a lot of things and has taught me a lot about myself and the qualities I need to work on. It has been very difficult sometimes watching Andre (the little boy with Autism) so on Wednesdays it's kind of a day I can just relax and have fun with these girls. Andre is teaching me greater patience though, and I have learned a lot about caring for children with disabilities.
These are the twins! They are turning 2 next week. Sloane (pronounced like Jerry SLOAN) is the one on the left, and Taylor is on the right. They are best buds. They are always looking out for one another and they make each other laugh all the time. I put them in seperate rooms for naps because mom says they would just stay up and talk to each other=) When one of them wakes up from their nap, the first thing they ask is "Is sissu (sister) sleeping?" It's so cute! They call me Bre nanna or just Nanna, and it makes me smile whenever I hear it. They are so happy and so polite. Whenever I give them something (like lunch or a snack, or their water, etc) they always say "thank you". Taylor will even come up and tell me she poo pooed!=) I wish I could clone them=)
We have been walking over to this little playground around the corner from their house. They will spend hours here. We usually go before lunch so they are worn out for nap time=)
They love to pick these little flowers and then put them through the holes
of the benches. So funny!

She's saying "Cheeeeeese" The little face she makes is so funny!

This is their little wagon that they ride in to the park. Taylor decided yesterday that she wanted to walk home=) It took us a little longer, but she walked the entire way. She's so funny when we go to leave the house to go to the park. She's afraid of the garage door when it opens because it's so loud. She will always put her arms up and say "I hold you!" Which means "Hold me!"

This is their 5 year old sister Bryce. She is such a sweetheart. She is always watching out for her sisters. I haven't ever seen her get mad at them if they ruin something she's made. She's very patient and loves art and swinging. She's good at helping me translate things her sisters are saying sometimes when I just can't figure it out=)

Here they are together. Taylor is so funny! She hunched over because she saw Bryce bending over! They are constantly making me laugh, and I really love getting to spend time with them every Wednesday!


  1. These girls are absolutely adorable! I bet you are the best Nanny in the world.

  2. Oh my gosh! I love them! I just want to squeeze them!...and steal their cute wagon!

  3. uh oh joe - i see a case of baby fever coming on!
