Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Heartbeat

09-04-12 I had my second appointment today.  I had no idea how far along I was, so that was my number one question of the day.  They asked if it would be okay if another doctor did the ultrasound because my doctor was doing a delivery.  I was completely fine with it.  She was young, and so sweet and personable.  I started to feel really nervous when she  started the ultrasound, but she quickly said "There's your baby, and there's the heartbeat!"  I hadn't thought I was far enough along for there to be a heartbeat yet, and hadn't really even considered the fact that I might have gone to my appointment that day, and not seen a heartbeat and found out it wasn't a viable pregnancy.  I'm SO glad I didn't have to go through that, especially since Joe wasn't with me.  A flood of relief washed over my body thinking about what could have been, and I couldn't help but smile at the good news! It is so incredible to me to see the heartbeat of something SO tiny.  What a miracle it is!  If that doesn't testify of the reality of God, I don't know what does.

Since I never had a period after my last miscarriage and d&c, she had to measure the embryo to find out how far along I was.  She meaured 3 times and then said "Looks like your due date is April're 7 weeks along!" I couldn't believe it! I had taken a pregnancy test with Joe there with me, back on August 3rd.  I had been feeling a little "off" and thought I was pregnant.  The test, however, said I was NOT pregnant.  I took another, same result.  So feeling a little disappointed, but glad that I had the answer, we had gone about our lives and not really thought about it.  I guess it had just been too early to tell at that time.  I had been pregnant then though!.  I realized quickly after I walked out of my appointment, that my due date was the day before my nephew Korver's birthday! I can't help but feel excited, and relieved.  I'm so glad I was able to get pregnant so quickly.  I'm still VERY scared and nervous, but we'll see how things go.

I immediately called Joe after I left, and shared the good news with him.  He couldn't believe I was already 7 weeks along, and that I had seen the heartbeat!  He was very happy to hear the news!  I wanted to call my mom and sister so badly and tell them, but I refrained.  We'll wait and see how the first trimester goes.  It's sad, but I now feel like the boy that cried wolf when it comes to telling my family I'm pregnant.  We've had the big moment where we tell everyone, twice now (the third pregnancy we lost very early so I hadn't shared it with them yet) and we have yet to actually make it through the pregnancy.  Hopefully everything will finally work out this time.  Joe has always told me "It will happen when it's meant to." I'm just praying that THIS is it!

1 comment:

  1. So happy and excited for you! You are going to be the best mother and I can just imagine your over-the-top sweet mom with your baby!
