Monday, January 30, 2012

The Search Is Over

Ever since we moved into our apartment, we have been on the hunt for a little table to go under our clock in the dining room area. We have found a couple that we liked, but they were pretty expensive and I just wasn't ready to spend 500 bucks on a little accent table. So, we've held off for about 2 years now=) Well, Joe went up to Dallas a few months ago to bring back some furniture that Julie was giving to Serena. An accent table was one of the pieces and Joe mentioned to Serena that we had been looking for one, and she was so nice and said we could have that one if we wanted it. She had just put up some cute shelves in their entry way so didn't know what she would do with it. When Joe and I went up to Palestine after Christmas, we utilized the space and tools at his dad's house. It's not the easiest thing to redo furniture on the balcony of our apartment=) I forgot to take a picture of the "before" while it was put together. Here it is taken apart though. Bob was so sweet to be my assistant and hold it up for me. =)
Joe bought me that nifty sander, and went to town on the top of it. He's so great to help me bring my ideas to life. Lucky for me he doesn't let projects sit for long. He likes to just get them done=) I wasn't feeling very well, but I bundled up and went out to help him.
He took a little break, don't worry he's not done=)
Some of the wood had chipped on a couple of the legs, so I worked on filling those.

I didn't really take pictures after this. Oops! We hung the legs in the garage and then we primed and spray painted them. Joe re-stained the top, and we let that dry. Then we covered the top in plastic and primed and spray painted the rest. We also put a new decal on the front. It is really similar to the old one.Then we covered it with a spray polycrylic to protect it.

And..... Here's the finished product!
I love it! The best part is that it was free. We probably spent between 30-35 dollars to redo it. Not too shabby! I love that I have another place to put cute decorations. This is what it looks like now, and later on this week it will be decorated for Valentine's Day.
It doesn't really "pop" with our walls the color that they are, but I didn't want to have to redo it again once we get a house and can have some color on our walls. I'm content with this for now=)
A little side note..... I finally made a pillow cover with a zipper for my house! I made some last time I was in Utah for my sister. I had never done it before! All I did was watch some lady on youtube do it, and followed along. They are really pretty simple and this chair doesn't look like it's missing something anymore=)


  1. Love both of your projects! So cute.

  2. Once again you have proven to be the most talented in the family7 I love it! Could you find m some free nightstands and get them re-painted, please :)
