Sunday, September 25, 2011

Test Drive of Parenthood

Last month we watched Maggie and Chloe from Friday to Sunday so that Dave and Serena could take a little weekend get-a-way to Austin to celebrate Serena's 30th Birthday!(Kinda an important one!) We got to get a little taste of what it's like to have kids. It was different to have to be home at certain times for naps, have meals at a scheduled time, wake up early, check on them in the night, and have it take longer to go anywhere because we had to pack the diaper bag, and get kids in carseats. (just to name a few) We have to give mad props to those of you with kiddos!=)
We did lots of fun things together while they were here, but I only snapped pictures on Saturday for some reason. Friday we went swimming at our pool, put puzzles together, colored pictures, and watched the movie Rio. Saturday, it was cloudy and rainy, so to get a little break from our apartment we decided to go to the Bass Pro Shop and walk around. When we pulled up, there was a small helicopter in front of the store. They had a company there advertising.
We got to watch it take off! Pretty cool!!
Maggie loved watching the fish!
She decided this is what she wants for Christmas! Sorry Dave and Serena=) (Check out the price tag) Look at that huge smile on her face! So cute!
After we told her it was okay to get on the 4-wheeler, she decided she'd like to try "test driving" all the motorized toys they had!=)
This is always the highlight of the trip for Joe. He loves the shooting game they have! I love this picture with little Maggie! The gun was too heavy for her to hold so she was pretending to shoot it while it was in the holster.
We walked past the 4-wheeler again and she had to sit on it one more time. This time we decided to let her hold Munchie for a picture! So cute!
Saturday night after all the fun, Chloe fell asleep in Joe's arms. So sweet! Moments like this are so rewarding and priceless.
It was quite the eye opener to go from having no kids, to two kids! I won't lie, we were exhausted by the time Dave and Serena came back, but we really enjoyed it. Joe will still randomly say "I miss Munchie and Maggie." Since we don't have any kids of our own, it's such a highlight and blessing to be close to our nieces and nephews here in Houston and Dallas. We love them so much! We miss our nephews in Utah, and love them to pieces too! We loved spending time with these two precious girls, and would do it again in a heartbeat.

1 comment:

  1. That looks so fun. You guys are gonna be the best parents. The rest of us are gonna look like bumps on a log!
