Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Madison is 9 months, Brooklynn 29 months

I feel like there have been so many milestones with Madison this month!  She's now been out for longer than she was in my belly!  That's so crazy to think about!  Her first tooth popped out exactly at 9 months to the day, and there's a second one starting to peek through.  She also started crawling and walking in the walker!  She sits up like a pro now, and has even taken a bath with Brooklynn, sitting up in the tub when we were in Utah since we didn't have her bathtub there.  She's still not the best napper in the world, but I'm grateful for the 30/45 minutes I do get out of her twice a day.  She must be like her dad, he can run on no sleep and still be happy.  Not me, I'm a grump if I don't get my sleep. She also got moved from the bassinet to the crib finally!

  Madison loves being in the car, and gets some good jabber time in.  She loves swinging at the park, and her face lights up every single time I set her in a swing and give her a push.  She still loves being outdoors, and doesn't mind sitting in the nasty Texas Grass.  She is still clapping all the time when she gets excited, and she responds to her name almost immediately.  I call her "Little Bug" and Brooklynn will call her that too.  It's so cute to hear Brooklynn say it. I'm not really sure where that nickname came from, but it stuck. Joe and Brooklynn also call her Madison Moo as a nickname.

 Madison is always moving her little feet in excitement, and she's a very happy baby for the most part, unless she doesn't get enough sleep.  She has learned how to get what she wants.  After my home workouts, Brooklynn will usually help me make my protein shake in the blender with some ice and a banana.  Madison will squawk every time we make it until she gets a taste.

She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth!  We have had to go around and pull all of the white rubber tips off of the door stops because she loves to play with them, and eventually pulls them off and puts them in her mouth. She also loves to get her hands on plastic bags, used dryer sheets,   She's gotten a lot better at finger feeding, and she is a pro at holding her own bottle.  I don't think Brooklynn held a bottle a day in her life until she was almost a year old because I was always there to hold it for her.  Madison has had to learn how to do some things quicker out of necessity.  Since I have to take care of Brooklynn too, I can't just sit there every feeding with Madison.

She still loves Baby Einstein and watches an episode a day while I put Brooklynn down for a nap. Her favorite episodes are "Old McDonald" and "Water".

Brooklynn is sleeping in a big girl bed now, so that Madison can have the crib.  We moved her from the nursery to her big girl room.  She's done really well for the most part.  There have been a few nights where she has snuck downstairs in the night and I've found her either standing there staring at me, or curled up on the floor at the foot of our bed.  We are trying to teach her if she needs us to just call for me, because we have the video monitor in her room. She and Joe went and picked out a night light for her room, and I think that has helped her feel more comfortable in her new room.

We went to Utah at the end of July for a couple of weeks while Joe went to South Africa with Anthony to visit Bob and Sharon.  We all ended up getting the flu and couldn't really visit anyone and it ended up being the worst trip we have ever had.  At least we were staying at my parents' house and got to be with them.  Thankfully my mom was so sweet and helpful when it came to cleaning up throw up and changing clothes and sheets, and taking care of the kids when I ended up getting it.  On the way home our flight in Denver ended up getting delayed 3 hours and it was just the cherry on top of the trip.  I was so irritated!  The girls ended up doing so much better than I thought they would, especially considering that the delay was right during their nap time, and thankfully that airport is big, so we were able to walk around and ride up and down escalators and on moving sidewalks.  Brooklynn is obsessed with the moving sidewalks.  I can't ride on them with her because strollers aren't allowed, so she just hops on by herself and I walk beside the moving sidewalk with Madison.  People are always commenting how cute she is riding that thing all by herself.  She's a little dare devil and doesn't mind trying new things.

We took her to Chuck E Cheese for the first time one day when it was raining, and she was in heaven.  She loved riding all the rides and playing the games, and that she got to pick out prizes.  Every time we drive past it now she hollers out "There's Chuck E Cheese!!"

She loves playing at the park and there are so many things that she didn't used to be able to do, that she will do now.  She plays on the big kid part and can do almost everything except go across the monkey bars by herself.

She loves going to Nursery at church, and she cries if we ever skip nursery when we go to someone else's ward for a baby blessing or if we're in Utah.  She loves FHE and every Monday we have to do "Wash the Dishes", "London Bridges" "Ring Around the Rosie" and "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes".  She is usually very good during the lesson, and so far we all really enjoy having Family Home Evening together every week.

I sure love my girls.  Being a mom is SO SO hard, but I am very grateful for this opportunity of learning and growth.

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