Monday, March 6, 2017

Brooklynn is 47 months and Madison is 28 months old

SO much has happened since I last posted!  Brooklynn has now been in preschool for about 7 months now and she absolutely loves it!  Her teacher is Sara Morey and she calls her Miss Sara.  She goes to school with 7 other kids and it's in Miss Sara's home.  She's a member of our ward and I just feel so blessed to have her teach Brooklynn.  I haven't had to worry about her at all!  She goes to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-11:30, and while she's at school Madison and I go to the gym, and run errands and I usually have time to shower and throw on some makeup real quick before it's time to get Brooklynn from school.
     She loves to paint, loves cutting things, taping things, and glueing things.  She learns all sorts of cute songs at preschool that she comes home and sings nonstop.  Miss Sara has the parents take turns helping at preschool every 6 weeks or so, and Joe will usually arrange his schedule so that he's in Houston on those days and will go in from 8:30-10 and I'll take 10-11:30.  It's been fun for Brooklynn to have us there with her, and we have loved getting to experience the things she's doing and learning.
     Brooklynn is also now a sunbeam in primary!  She's no longer in nursery, which is just crazy to me!  Sister Jen Martin is her teacher and she just loves her and the class.  We saw Sister Martin and her kids at Costco this week and Brooklynn was so excited!
     She's always asking "Why questions" lately.  Why does this do that? and she's just really interested in how things work and why.  She's gotten really good at pretending, and I know that's completely from preschool and interacting with the other kids.  She and Madison will play really well together now and will pretend to play house, or school, or be chefs, and it's just so fun to see their minds working and the creativity that comes.
     We just got a trampoline after we got back from Utah for Christmas, and both of the girls absolutely love it!  Almost every day after naps, and usually after dinner with Daddy, that's where they will be found.  They love for me to go out and jump with them after naps.  We even had a high of about 87 the other day(in February) and we busted out the sprinkler and wore our swimsuits and jumped!  Brooklynn was in total heaven, and Madison liked it, but kept a little bit of a distance from the sprinkler.
     They love playing outside and we frequent the parks around our home often.  They both still LOVE swinging, and we have started playing "Hide and Seek" and it's adorable to watch them run off and hide together(usually in the same spot every time) and get so surprised they scream when they are found.  They are both little dare devils too.  Brooklynn has gotten really good at climbing on things and up things.  She has also gotten really good at pretend play, which I think is from playing with the other kids at preschool.  She and Madison will finally play well together for a decent amount of time!  Hallelujah!   They LOVE dress up and they play with their babies and strollers and their play kitchen all the time.  They'll also take blankets and toys outside when the weather is nice and play outside in the back yard for a while together.  They love crafts, especially coloring and painting.  Almost every day after naps Brooklynn will work on some sort of craft and they get to pick a small treat after naps(it's mostly so I can have something to use as leverage if they won't listen or are making bad choices. If I tell them they are going to lose their treat after naps it usually makes them get it together pretty quickly. ha ha!)
     Brooklynn is a great big sister and is usually very helpful with Madison.  She'll help her or comfort her, or buckle her in her carseat, and is always saying things like "what's the matter sweetheart?" or "Come here Little Bug".  I know if we were to have another child that she and Madison would both be my big helpers.
     Madison....Oh goodness where do I even begin with this child?!  She is absolutely adorable, and people tell me she is all the time, but she is also going to drive me to drink one of these days!  The child has the strongest will and once she gets her mind set on something it's SO hard to change it!  For instance....She absolutely HATES being wet.  Even if she gets two drops of water on her shirt from brushing her teeth she throws a fit and wants to change her clothes.  Like she will literally rip her shirt and pants off while she is crying that she's wet!  She also just kind of hates wearing clothes in general.  She used to take her pajamas off every morning in her crib.  She's now been moved to a big girl bed and has started waking up EVERY MORNING at 5:30am and coming down to our room.   Sometimes she'll come down WAY earlier than that and I always force myself to go put her back in her bed because I really don't want kids sleeping in my bed.  Anyways, the other morning she came down at 5:30 and Joe woke up shortly after that to go to work super early for some reason, so I put her on his side and told her to go back to sleep.  I quickly fell back to sleep, and when I woke up around 7 and looked over at her she was sound asleep, but she was naked except for her diaper!  Nudist!  When we are home she is usually naked.  Let me just tell you how many outfits a day she goes through!
     I tried potty training her because she started taking off her own diapers....poop and all!  So I figured it was time to give it a shot.  We have had her little potty down in our bathroom for a while and she has sat on it and peed a few times at night before getting in the tub, which is what Brooklynn used to do too.  I figured it would be pretty easy to potty train Madison, like it was Brooklynn.  Boy was I wrong!  It literally was one of the worst days of my life.  We stayed home ALL DAY LONG, and I literally put about 15 pairs of new undies on her.  I let her drink as much lemonade as she wanted so she would have to pee frequently and could get used to going pee in her potty.  I think there was 1 time where she didn't pee in her undies, at least a little, before telling me she had to go potty.   It's like she would start going in her undies and then realize she should go to the potty.  More than twice she just full on peed in her undies.  Then of course there were numerous times where she of course wasn't on the mat of trash bags and towels I made her, and decided to pee on the carpet.  And all poops were done in her pants.  I had faith that she could get it, and I didn't want Friday to have just been a waste of my life, so I continued Saturday morning.  I left Madison and Brooklynn with Joe while I went to my spin class at the gym, and when I got back Joe told me she had pooped in her undies and that she wasn't getting the concept and just wasn't ready.  He and Brooklynn went to run errands together and I still tried with Madison for a while until she again peed on the floor.  Then I was done!  Back to diapers she went, because this was WAY too hard.  With Brooklynn she literally had like 2 accidents in the 3 days I took to potty train her.  So I think Madison just needs some more time.  Side note is she now wants her diaper changed EVERY time she goes pee in her diaper, so we are going through lots more diapers these days, which is the exact opposite of what I was wanting to do, which is get rid of them so we aren't buying diapers anymore.  Serves me right I guess.
     Madison loves going to the gym with me on the days Brooklynn has school.  She'll say "where me going?" when she sees me getting my gym clothes on.  She walks right in when we get there, it's SO nice not to have to leave her crying like I used to.  I have been working out 5-6 days a week super consistently now and it's just become a part of my daily routine.  Dedication is key, because staying motivated all the time doesn't happen.  I'm down almost 40 lbs now since I had Madison and I'm in the smallest pant size I have ever been in as an adult, and more importantly I just feel good!
     The child is still crazy about avocados-like she would literally eat two or more all by herself if I would let her.  She's finally started eating bread and will eat sandwiches and stuff now.  She drinks water like a camel, and she's learned to like lots of different foods that she didn't used to.
     Today after church Brooklynn was asking her if she could have her stuffed pig animal back that she let Madison borrow for the past couple of days.  Madison's response was "Nope!  Sorry!!"
She's such a spunk!
Another thing she says is  "REEALLYY?" in this high pitched tone whenever someone says something that excites her.  She's learning how to put her own shoes and clothes on.  Whenever I ask her to do something and she doesn't want to she says "I can't".  Drives me nuts!  She loves going

Sunday, March 5, 2017

New Chapters

Well, Brooklynn is officially a preschooler, and she is absolutely loving it!  She goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-11:30.  Her teacher, Miss Sara, is in our ward and she is so fun!  Brooklynn just loves her!  She has never once said that she doesn't want to go to preschool.  I have had the opportunity to be a parent helper and I just loved being there with her and seeing all of the interactive learning she is doing.  She comes home with paintings and masks and all sorts of fun stuff that she makes at school.  She brought home a picture of me, that even had lipstick on, and was basically a big gold fat blob.  I told Sara I would try not to take offense that that's how she sees me. ha ha jk!  She LOVES to paint and color though. Those are two of her favorite things.