Monday, January 30, 2012

The Search Is Over

Ever since we moved into our apartment, we have been on the hunt for a little table to go under our clock in the dining room area. We have found a couple that we liked, but they were pretty expensive and I just wasn't ready to spend 500 bucks on a little accent table. So, we've held off for about 2 years now=) Well, Joe went up to Dallas a few months ago to bring back some furniture that Julie was giving to Serena. An accent table was one of the pieces and Joe mentioned to Serena that we had been looking for one, and she was so nice and said we could have that one if we wanted it. She had just put up some cute shelves in their entry way so didn't know what she would do with it. When Joe and I went up to Palestine after Christmas, we utilized the space and tools at his dad's house. It's not the easiest thing to redo furniture on the balcony of our apartment=) I forgot to take a picture of the "before" while it was put together. Here it is taken apart though. Bob was so sweet to be my assistant and hold it up for me. =)
Joe bought me that nifty sander, and went to town on the top of it. He's so great to help me bring my ideas to life. Lucky for me he doesn't let projects sit for long. He likes to just get them done=) I wasn't feeling very well, but I bundled up and went out to help him.
He took a little break, don't worry he's not done=)
Some of the wood had chipped on a couple of the legs, so I worked on filling those.

I didn't really take pictures after this. Oops! We hung the legs in the garage and then we primed and spray painted them. Joe re-stained the top, and we let that dry. Then we covered the top in plastic and primed and spray painted the rest. We also put a new decal on the front. It is really similar to the old one.Then we covered it with a spray polycrylic to protect it.

And..... Here's the finished product!
I love it! The best part is that it was free. We probably spent between 30-35 dollars to redo it. Not too shabby! I love that I have another place to put cute decorations. This is what it looks like now, and later on this week it will be decorated for Valentine's Day.
It doesn't really "pop" with our walls the color that they are, but I didn't want to have to redo it again once we get a house and can have some color on our walls. I'm content with this for now=)
A little side note..... I finally made a pillow cover with a zipper for my house! I made some last time I was in Utah for my sister. I had never done it before! All I did was watch some lady on youtube do it, and followed along. They are really pretty simple and this chair doesn't look like it's missing something anymore=)

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Spirit Of Giving

While talking to Shelby a while before Christmas, she mentioned that if she and James didn't go up to Tomball to visit her grandmother for Christmas, they were thinking of maybe going to a soup kitchen to volunteer over the Christmas Break. They did end up going to Tomball, but her idea got me thinking. Joe and I had invited Bob and Sharon to come down for Christmas, but they decided to stay in Palestine and come to visit the week after. So, it was just going to be the two of us. I thought doing some volunteer work would be a good way to remember the reason for the season, and to help us feel more of the Christmas Spirit. I looked into it online and found that every Thanksgiving and Christmas, there's a charity that puts on a big dinner for those that are less fortunate. Thousands of people come to volunteer, and thousands more are on the receiving end and get to have a hot meal that otherwise they would have gone without. It's held at the George R. Brown Convention Center.
Joe ended up mentioning it in one of his meetings with the Teachers in Young Mens at church and some of them said they wanted to go. One of the moms ended up contacting me and letting me know she would like to come and bring her oldest children also. So, on Christmas eve we woke up around 6:30 and got ready and then picked up one of Joe's boys. Then we met Cali and her kids and they followed us to the convention center. When I signed us up online we were asked to also bring some canned food, a few unused toys, and any clothing we'd like to donate.
When we walked in there were big signs and tables around the insider perimeter of the building that were labeled "Toys, Food, and Clothing." This was a picture of Joe and the boys sorting out the food we had brought. Each table was sorted into different categories like fruit, meat, beans, vegetables, etc.
We distributed the things we had brought, and then they had a little orientation meeting. This is the best picture I could get of all the volunteers. We were listening to the instruction on the different things we could chose to do to help.
After orientation we kind of wandered to each place where we could chose to volunteer. There were tons of people already at the toy tables, the kids had to be 18 in order to serve food so we didn't want to just leave them, the canned food was already quickly being put into paper bags to pass out to the people that were coming for a meal, so we decided we would help fold, sort, and pass out the clothing. It was a little chaotic at first but eventually the main person in charge of the clothing section called "Team Captains" for each table that the clothes were being sorted into. For example, Newborn to 18 months, toddler, boys, girls, women, men, etc. The guy asked for people with management skills to volunteer to be team captains. Joe put his hand right up=) He was put in charge of the boys and girls ages 6-12. He had signs made and everyone got sorting. Pants together, arranged from smallest to largest. Shirts, sweaters, coats, etc all done the same way. This was our table shortly after everyone figured out what we were supposed to do.
Here's Joe with his Teachers. Eric on the left, Jared on the right.
They didn't let the people that were coming to eat and pick up food, clothing, and toys come in until about 11am. After the clothes were all sorted, the men arranged tables along the outside of the clothing section where each age and gender of clothing could be represented and they could let those coming to receive, do some "shopping". It's kind of hard to explain. This picture is kind of far away, but you can see they put a row of chairs around the tables, so that people couldn't just run up and grab stuff. The guy in charge let maybe 10-15 people go in to the walkway between the chairs and the tables where they could "shop" from, and they had about 5 minutes to chose what they wanted. Each person(even children) were given 1 brown paper bag that was the size you'd get at a grocery store. Then they could go through and chose whatever they wanted to fill the bag. Once it was filled, they had to leave the clothing section. If they just wanted pants, they could fill it with pants, or just shirts, or socks, or whatever they needed.
Here is Joe getting everything organized before the people came in. Each age group had to be represented with a few pants, shirts, coats, etc. Then once people came through and did their shopping, we would replenish the table with the things we had sorted on the "back tables." You can see the little walkway better in this picture.
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I didn't take a picture of everything once they let the people in, mostly because we were super busy replenishing the table. Our tables were the first to be cleared. There were so many people looking for children's clothing. Also, I kinda felt bad taking pictures of the people. There was a huge line for clothing though. They were mostly hispanic, and reminded me of the people I had served on my mission. So humble and sweet. Most people would come in and go to the clothing, or toy section first. Once they had the things they needed, they would then go get food and have a hot meal with their family.

This is just a picture of all the tables set up for the meal. They put pretty tablecloths and I thought they did a great job of making it pretty, even though they had thousands to feed. The group of people to the left are helping to get the food set up and then they were the first shift to serve food.
This was the group from church that came with us(minus Cali. She didn't want to be in the picture) These are amazing kids! They were so willing to serve and do whatever was asked of them. I think they really enjoyed doing this!
There is just something so amazing about giving service. I always feel like I walk away gaining more than those that I was able to serve. We really had so much fun and it was so rewarding to see the needs of people met that day. I would love to make this a tradition! It really helped us feel the love of Christ, and set the mood for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas in Palestine

Well, I got caught up in the holidays and have slacked on updating our blog. So, in this post I'm taking you back to December 17th. We celebrated our Berg Christmas in Palestine with everyone that Saturday and it ended up being so much fun! Sharon had the house decorated all cute, and the food was fabulous! I love going to Palestine because it's always so relaxing. There's not a ton of stores to shop at or things to do, so we love to go there and just hang out. It's so much fun with everyone there! Here are some cute pics that Bob took to capture the day.

Sharon, Addie, and Maggie. I love this picture!
Joe can pretty much be found wherever the kids are! He loves to wrestle and play with the boys. Jack is such a fun boy and so stinkin' cute!
Sharon and Chloe. This is another one of my favorites!
Addie LOVES the tree swing! Every time we're there she loves to spend time swinging.
Dave and Joe playing with the kiddos in the back yard. Check out all the tall trees that are around their house. It's so pretty!
Jack and Uncle Joe Joe.
This little dog wandered over from the neighbor's house and the kids absolutely loved him! They get scared of big dogs, but they followed this little dog everywhere! Jack made me laugh so hard because I asked him "Jack, do you need a puppy?" and his response was "No, puppies turn into big dogs and I don't like big dogs!" ha ha! His sweet little voice just makes you melt!
Grandma Sharon reading Maggie a story.

Grandpa and his girls!
Before dinner the kids got to open their presents. Grayson is such a cutie pie! He's walking and can kick a little soccer ball while doing so! He has the sweetest smile and he loves his Uncle Joe Joe.
Addie loved Grayson and Chloe. She's going to be the best big sister to their new baby soon!

Serena and I helped Sharon get the veggie tray made and had fun doing it! Don't you love her cute scarf! She's so pretty!

Ha ha this picture just makes me laugh! We have fun together!
Sharon had the tables set so nicely and their tree was so pretty!
Anthony is the best turkey carver I've ever seen! He had the tray so neat and organized and all the pieces were pretty uniformly cut! I love this picture with the three brothers!
This is the only picture of all the good food! There are some good cooks in the Berg Family! Pretty sure I gained at least 10 pounds!=) ha ha! Look at Julie's cute baby bump! She looks fabulous!
Joe's Grandma Norma( at the head of the table) and Bob's sister Susan to the right. The cute lady on the left is Norma's friend Anne.
After dinner we all gathered into the piano room and sang some Christmas songs and opened presents.
All the adults that want to participate bring a present and then we play the game where you can steal presents from each other! It's always SO much fun! The kids loved helping everyone unwrap their gifts.

Norma brought this fun little remote control car, and when it was her turn she picked it. It immediately got stolen=) What a fun grandma! Ha ha!

Bob with his Kids. What a good looking family!
The whole Berg Clan! Love this family!