Last Friday Ashley came to visit! I hardly slept the night before because I was so nervous her flight was going to be cancelled because we were supposed to get snow during the night. I can't tell you how many times I would wake up and pull the curtains back to check for any sign of snow. Around 6am I came out to the living room to check online to see what the airline was saying about her flight. I was relieved to see that it said "ON TIME"!!! She got here around 1pm and the fun lasted all weekend!

Joe stayed home because the roads were closed due to extreme ice, so he went with me to pick up Ash.

After we picked her up we headed to Chuy's for lunch. She loves to get some good Mexican Food in while she's here!

After lunch we dropped Joe off at home and headed to Charming Charlie and the Pearland Town Center. A lot of the things we had wanted to do that day were closed because of the weather so we just stayed around home. We had a blast! That night we went to BJ's for Dinner!

We saw this dessert on the menu and decided we had to try it! Ash had heard about them and said it was a dessert from New Orleans. It's called a Beignet and it was SO good! It's got some sort of pastry at the bottom (Similar to a donut) and then topped with vanilla bean ice cream, strawberries, and whipped cream. All I can say is YUM!!! It's my new favorite dessert!

Saturday we went to the Museum of Fine Arts. Ashley is majoring in art right now and absolutely loves it. She's an amazing photographer, and she's talented in many other areas. It was actually really interesting and fun to go with her because she was able to teach me some new things!

I had looked up "Things to do in Houston" and on one of the lists I got from Google, people were raving about this place on Harwin Street. Well, when we got there we felt like we had just arrived in Mexico! We were a little nervous but it ended up being quite the experience. Ash ended up getting quite a few things, and we had some good laughs!=)

That night we met the family at Seoul Garden to celebrate James and Shelby's birthdays!

It was a first for Korean food for Ash and she really enjoyed it! We even used chop sticks the whole meal!=) Serena said it would be a good diet to just have to eat with chopsticks=) ha ha! We had a lot of fun! Everyone except Anthony and Julie and their family) was there, including Joe's Grandma and her friend. We had a really fun time!

We brought Costco cake so they could blow out some candles and be sung to. Shelby had made some awesome carrot cake cupcakes too! You can never have enough cake, right?!=)

After dinner we headed down to the Toyota Center with Joe to go see the Rockets play! We bought some tickets off a scalper and they ended up being pretty good!

It turned out to be an awesome game! It went into overtime and we won 95 to 93 against the Grizzlies

Ash loves Hakeem Olajuwon so she had to get a picture with this! He used to play for the Rockets

Sunday was Chloe's blessing day. I didn't get any pictures for some reason. After the blessing we went to Dave and Serena's for lunch and hung out for a bit. That evening we had a little Super Bowl Party at our apartment. Dave and Serena and their kids, and James, Shelby, and Grayson came. That's the most people we've had in our apartment at one time, and I don't think it was too bad=) We had fun chillin' with everyone and watching the game.
On Monday Ashley and I went to Trellis to get facials. It was SO relaxing! We didn't take any pictures because we weren't wearing makeup=) But, believe me when I say it was AWESOME!

After facials, we headed to Sam Moon to buy purses! Ash brought an extra suitcase just to take purses back in! Last time she came she bought a few purses for her sisters and friends and sold them all! So, this time she planned to buy more. I think she bought over 10 purses! We went through the store twice and then she took her cart to an isle at the back of the store to decide which ones she really wanted to buy and count how many she had. The ones on the floor are hers to. She was dividing them into piles by price.

The final cart full!=)

She came out with two HUGE bags filled with purses! I helped her carry them to the car but made her hold them both so I could snap a picture! The ladies that checked her out couldn't believe she was buying so many. We LOVE Sam Moon! Just for the record.....I only bought one!=)

After Sam Moon we went to the Heights where they have some cute boutiques but most everything was closed because it was Monday. Kinda weird, but oh well. We did find one really cute boutique that we loved that was open! After that we headed to the Galleria. This photo was taken in Dylan's candy store!

There's just candy everywhere!!! They even had Aero bars!=)

We had to stop for a picture by the skating rink just to remember the day. We had so much fun just talking and laughing. I love spending time with my best friend!

She was craving one last mexican meal before she went home. We left the Galleria at 9 and she'd decided she wanted Lupe's. We pulled in to the one by our house around 9:20 and IT WAS CLOSED!!! I had no idea that all the restaurants down here close at 9 on weekdays! In Utah they all close at 10 so we were thinking it was the same here. So, we drove to about 3 mexican restaurants just to find they were also closed. We ended up at a little restaurant called Del Pueblo or something. I don't think they were too happy that we got there around 9:40 and they closed at 10. I had never had such fast service though!=) Our food was out in 5 minutes! We left at about 10:05 so we didn't keep them there too late! Another story that we were able to laugh about.

It was such a fun weekend. I have to thank Joe for just letting me go off and spend time with Ash while she was here. It's been so hard to be away from her but it makes me cherish the time we get to spend together even more! Who knew when I transferred schools after Christmas my 5th grade year that I would find the girl that would be my best friend for the rest of my life!? Love her!